Well, it’s been a delightful trip around Ireland and we’ve landed back at the Ashling Hotel where it all started. We bid a fond farewell to Peter and Ray and there’s a bit of hugging and well wishes as we all head off on our next adventure. Most of the group are heading in various directions but I’m going to stay in Dublin for a few days so I can see a bit of the place and also sort out my next steps.
I’m going to roam around a bit, mostly walking but I am going to try out the tram line which has two lines, one the goes from Heuston Station and travels east, the other is the one pictured which goes north/south ish. I purchased a day ticket and it’s used much like the Oyster system in London. You essentially tap the card at one of the external kiosks before you get on and tap it at a kiosk when you get off. The only trouble with the whole system is that the cars are totally packed with tourists…don’t know how the locals manage it?

Most of my walk is just an amble through the streets. I’ve no real destination, just waiting for whatever shows up around the next corner. Here’s a few shots of the things that showed up around the next corner.

There was a fair bit of graffiti on various alley walls…some of the artists are quite talented…others not so.

And then there’s just the guy who writes a slogan on a brick wall, I’m assuming the sentiments are about every country’s national pastime of blaming immigrants for just about anything. My mother, the immigrant, did nothing but bring joy into this world…at least that’s what my sister says about Mom’s two kids.

There’s always some street entertainment in any big city and these guys were not only having fun but have gathered a nice little crowd to help out.

Not sure that breast rubbing brings good luck, assuming that’s what it’s all about, but from the burnish I’d guess a lot of people (probably mostly guys) think that’s true.

I couldn’t resist this somewhat stark piece of kit. Not sure whether it’s a light fixture but it sure does look grim against the clouds.
I found myself walking through St Stephen’s Green and a lovely place it was. Lots of greenery but hidden in all that green were some spectacular wee flowers. If only I knew more about flowers.

As I left the park I caught this shot of, probably one of the maids of honour. I didn’t see anyone else dressed like a bride but there were some nattily dressed attendees.

I’ll end this session here. I did go walkabout the next day but I’ll hold all of that for the next blog insertion.
Stand down.